What is Shamanic Healing?
All of us have had painful, traumatic or disappointing experiences that have left us distraught, depressed or scarred in some way. Even though time goes on we still feel the weight of these events.
These experiences have caused: Formation of barriers in our inner most selves, loss of our life force strength and vitality, and have created damaging agreements (beliefs) about ourselves and our world view. They are stored in our subconscious selves and affect our every day lives and relationships, including our relationship with ourselves.
Damaging agreements are stored within our souls and willpower alone will not allow us to change them. We can be fine for a while but then the old pain and the old patterns surface again and again.
Shamanism is the oldest form of healing practiced around the world in virtually all indigenous cultures. Shamanic healing focuses on going directly to the root of the issue--healing the soul and the spiritual aspect of these painful experiences: --By removing barriers that have formed deep within us that obstruct the flow of our soul's strength and vitality. --By returning the pieces of our soul that we have lost from various life experiences. --By changing the destructive agreements that we have made that underlie the belief systems that drive our behavior.
We are then free to change based on our desires and are not limited by old habits, beliefs and patterns of the past.
If you would like further information or would like to schedule a session, please contact me by text or email and I will get back to you. Jan Castro (801) 791-3855 peaceweaverspiritmedicine@gmail.com